
We are proud of the work we do. We confidently provide references from past clients to help prospective clients feel comfortable choosing us for their kitchen or bathroom remodeling projects. This is an essential stage of qualifying the right Twin Cities remodeler for your project.

NARI, the National Association of the Remodeling Industry offers a few suggested questions to ask our previous clients. We encourage you to use these as a start to the reference conversation.

  • Could they communicate well with Roberts?
  • Were they pleased with the quality of work? (This is a tough question, however, since everyone defines “quality” differently. It is much better to ask to see the completed project to determine the level of quality for yourself.)
  • Were they satisfied with our business practices?
  • Did the crew show up on time?
  • Were they comfortable with the tradespeople (electricians, plumbers, etc.) we worked with?
  • Was the job completed on schedule?
  • Did we fulfill the contract?
  • Did we stay in touch throughout the project?
  • Were the final details finished in a timely manner?
  • Would you use Roberts again without hesitation?
  • Was the job site kept clean during the project?
  • Was Roberts professional, ethical, honest and fair throughout the process?
  • Did Roberts manage the overall project and process in such a way to ensure your satisfaction?
  • Did any issues arise during the project? How did Roberts handle them?

NARI has lots of great advice on choosing and working with remodelers. Take a look at the Homeowners section of their website.

We look forward to working with you on your home remodeling project. If you have any questions about our design and construction processes, don’t hesitate to contact us.