Remodeling and home design is all about solving problems. While housing costs and availability have always been a pressing concern for growing and aging families, changes to the domestic living space is a common consideration.
The multigenerational home makes sense on a number of levels; by bringing different generations of the same family together, it promotes togetherness, eases the complexities of childcare, saves natural resources and – done correctly – results in dynamic, flexible spaces that favor both privacy and unity.
While many factors exist concerning property size, budget, and structure, there are many adaptations that can be made to accommodate. Current trends include:
- Garage Conversion: For many, this can be a very affordable solution. The existing garage already includes a foundation, walls and roof, meaning it already has some of the integral pieces of a living space. Considerations include installing insulation, plumbing, and additional electricity to accommodate extra usage. You are, of course, giving up your weather-protected parking/storage space, so you need to be aware of that sacrifice, as well as the effect on your neighbors.
- Addition (new or onto existing structure): A bedroom or living space addition on your current home can be a seamless way to add privacy and comfort for your new guests. If you don’t have room to go out, many times you can go up, and the major perk: these areas can be designed specifically to your wants and needs.
- Opening up Your Floor Plan: Many times, people have the space they need within their current homes, it is just not utilized correctly. Rearranging and opening up your floor plan can often offer exactly what you are looking for in both storage and ease in efficiency. A free-flowing living room and kitchen, moving into outdoor spaces offer ample opportunities to spend time together while having the privacy you desire.
Contact us today to see how we can make your space perfect for your family!